
The idea for an artistic tribute to Mayors Allen and Jackson was born in 2018 when local developer Gene Kansas invited Gary M. Pomerantz, the author of Where Peachtree Meets Sweet Auburn, to speak at the Auburn Avenue library to celebrate the opening of Constellations, a shared work space in a historic building on Auburn Avenue. During the talk, Pomerantz shared the significance of both Atlanta mayors on the history of our city.

Inspired by the talk and the feedback from guests in attendance, journalist Maria Saporta (Saporta Report) wrote an opinion piece encouraging the city to commemorate the special relationship between the Mayors in the form of a sculpture at the intersection of Peachtree St. and Auburn Avenue.

In 2019, Central Atlanta Progress convened an exploratory committee and the idea for a selection process for a new piece of public art was formalized.

Now we embark on a series of public events to garner input from a broad spectrum of the Atlanta community to inform the final artwork. Most importantly, we hope to foster a broader conversation about the kind of city we want to be. #atllegacymakers

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